Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How the industrial and economic differences of the north and south helped cause the Civil War

How the industrial and economic differences of the north and south helped cause the Civil War Many historians debate the causes of the Civil war. Yet the overwhelming economic differences between the northern and southern states on the eve of the civil war contributed significantly to the growing tensions. The industrial-reliable north had a high support for the implementation of tariffs and objected the use of slave labor, while the agricultural-reliable south strongly opposed tariffs and promoted slavery.The North was very reliable on manufacturing and technological innovation. Environmental conditions in the north did not open opportunity for large plantations, and therefore much of the economy was based on textiles, lumber and fur trade. This reliability on industry put a high demand on tariffs , which would protect the manufactured goods from cheap foreign policies. Although labor was greatly needed, encouragement of immigration caused the northern labor force to be well numbered, since most Europeans worked in the factories and on the railroads in the north, rather than the South.English: Union Regimental Drum Corps from the Amer...The North was also greatly reliable on exporting goods, and therefore supported governmental involvement in making internal improvements, such as roads and railroads.The South, on the other hand, relied heavy on agriculture, more specifically on cotton. In fact, due to England's heavy reliance on American cotton, the South often referred to this economical resource as King Cotton. Not every southern resident owned a farm, and very few owned large farms, but because of the environmental conditions in the south, economy was very reliable on farming, rather than industry or manufacturing. And because of this lack of industry and manufacturing, the South also relied on imports to receive manufactured goods, and therefore objected tariffs, since they only increased the prices of imported goods. Yet these tariffs were the basis of governmental revenue, normally used on financing internal improvements, which explained why the South did not support...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Fall of Rome

The Fall of Rome From its early days as a monarchy, through the Republic and the Roman Empire, Rome lasted a millennium ... or two. Those who opt for two millennia date the Fall of Rome to 1453 when the Ottoman Turks took Byzantium (Constantinople). Those who opt for one millennium, agree with Roman historian Edward Gibbon. Edward Gibbon dated the Fall to September 4, A.D. 476 when a so-called barbarian named Odoacer (a Germanic leader in the Roman army), deposed the last western Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus, who was probably partly of Germanic ancestry. Odoacer considered Romulus so paltry a threat he didnt even bother to assassinate him, but sent him into retirement.* The Roman Empire Lasted Beyond the Fall The Byzantine Emperor vs. the Western Emperor:  At the time of the coup and for the two preceding centuries, there had been two emperors of Rome. One lived in the east, usually in Constantinople (Byzantium). The other lived in the west, usually somewhere in Italy, although not necessarily the city of Rome. The emperor whom Odoacer deposed had lived in Ravenna, Italy. Afterwards, there was still one Roman emperor, Zeno, who lived in Constantinople. Odoacer became the first barbarian king of the western empire.The Roman People Lived On:  While this bloodless coup in 476 is a frequently accepted date for the Fall of Rome and the beginning of the Middle Ages, it was not, at the time, a major turning point. Many events and tendencies led up to it and there were many people who continued to think of themselves and who continue to be thought of as Romans.Europes Kingdoms (From the Ashes of the Roman Empire): The following resources relate to the end of the Roman Empire and the Fall of R ome. This includes theories about the Fall of Rome (including lead) and several of the Roman emperors whose actions hastened the end of the Roman Empire in the West. There is a section with information on important men whose origins were far from the city of Rome. Causes of the Fall of Rome Theories on the Fall of Rome Non-Romans Who Impacted the Fall of Rome GothsGoths Origins?Michael Kulikowsky explains why Jordanes, our main source on the Goths, who is himself considered a Goth, should not be trusted.AttilaProfile of Attila, who is known as the Scourge of God.The HunsIn the revised edition of The Huns, E. A. Thompson raises questions about the military genius of Attila the Hun.IllyriaDescendants of the early settlers of the Balkans came into conflict with the Roman Empire.JordanesJordanes, himself a Goth, abridged a lost history of the Goths by Cassiodorus.OdoacerThe barbarian who deposed the emperor of Rome.Sons of NubelSons of Nubel and the Gildonic WarIf the sons of Nubel hadnt been so eager to do away with one another, Africa might have become independent of Rome.StilichoBecause of personal ambition, Praetorian Prefect Rufinus prevented Stilicho from destroying Alaric and the Goths when they had a chance.AlaricAlaric TimelineAlaric didnt want to sack Rome, but he did want a place for his Goths to stay and a suitable title within th e Roman Empire. Although he didnt live to see it, the Goths received the first autonomous kingdom within the Roman Empire. Rome and Romans Fall of Rome Books:  Recommended reading for a modern perspective on the reasons for the fall of Rome.End of the Republic:  Content related to the men and events from the Gracchi and Marius through the turbulent years between Julius Caesars assassination and the start of the principate under Augustus.Why Rome Fell:  476 CE, the date Gibbon used for the fall of Rome based on the fact that it was then that Odoacer deposed the emperor of Rome, is controversial- as are the reasons for the fall.Roman Emperors Leading to the Fall:  You could say Rome was on the verge of falling from the time of its first emperor or you could say Rome fell in 476 CE or 1453, or even that it hasnt yet fallen.   End of the Republic *I think its relevant to point out that the last king of Rome was also not assassinated, but merely expelled. Although ex-king Tarquinius Superbus (Tarquin the Proud) and his Etruscan allies tried to get the throne back by warlike means, Tarquins actual deposition was bloodless, according to the legends the Romans told about themselves.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Extended analysis paper on The Rocking-Horse Winner by D. H. Lawrence Essay

Extended analysis paper on The Rocking-Horse Winner by D. H. Lawrence - Essay Example Early in the story the boy Paul has a talk with his mother about money. But the talk is not the usual mother-son conversation that promotes hard work and ingenuity. The mother advocates the avenue of easy money by the use of luck. She carries the definition a step farther as she blurs the line between money and luck. "Filthy lucre does mean money," said the mother. "But its lucre, not luck" (Lawrence). The use of the words filthy lucre interjects an almost obscene sense of money and wealth. The mother continues her idolization of the character trait of being lucky. She insults Pauls father and says "...its better to be born lucky than rich" (Lawrence). She then tells Paul that his own father is "very unlucky" marking him as a failure as a father and a husband. These images are burned into the mind of Paul at this young age and tempers his value system throughout the rest of his short life. The mother has almost no connection with her husband or family. She occupies the house in body but not in spirit. The household had healthy children and a modest income, yet it was squandered by the mothers view of it. Lawrence describes it as "at the centre of her heart was a hard little place that could not feel love, no, not for anybody". It was love that Paul craved and needed, and it was his mothers love that he would spend the story in search of. Because she was distant and disconnected, she would be easily satisfied with material goods, money, and a lust for it. Paul could sense the emptiness in his mother and her need for a husband, luck, and money. Pauls early attempt at fulfilling his mothers needs, and thus replacing the father, is seen in his early experience on the rocking horse. Lawrence describes Pauls quest to satisfy his mothers need for money, luck, and sexual satisfaction. There is a scene where he is furiously riding his rocking horse striking it with a whip that he had gotten

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Geek Love Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Geek Love - Essay Example Degradation oddities mainly lowers lofty spiritual ideal that are correspondingly transferred to the material level, sphere of the universe and body of the prevailing individual unbreakable unity. Moreover, the powerful images of humans within the novel frequently are deformed via eating, drinking, menstruating, having sex, defecating and micturating as in the case of the Binewski offspring conducts. The physical abnormalities are conspicuous in the novel. The embracing moments of the characters of deformities revolves around assets thus depicting the interesting side of Binewskis. Despite Al and Lil resorting to the corresponding dangerous measures to offering themselves with the meal ticket depicts the high level of physical oddities in the novel, which aids in the development of the plot of the geek love (Dunn,pp 123-176). It is cumbersome to acknowledge the degree of the children’s personalities in regard to the influence by the chemicals eaten in the utero and the corresponding outcome of their abnormal upbringing. This depicts that the mental health in the Binewski family in regard to the strong suit is mainly caused by the behaviors of Arty. The novel also opens physical oddities of the Aloysius Binewski and Lilian Hinchcliff Binewski in reminiscing about the period prior to the children implying that she prefer flinging herself into the prevailing pit and bite of the heads off of the chickens. Subsequent to the marriage there exist Fabulon circuses that Al inherits depicting the hatched strategy that mainly breed a family of the bona fide freaks. Lil consume illegal and prescriptions pills, amphetamines, insecticides, and radioisotopes. Moreover, She initially deliver to Arturo the Aqua Boy who mainly flippers for the limbs then preceded by the Electra and the Iphigenia that renowned fringed twins subsequent by the Olympia, the hunchback albino dwarf.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Evolution and religion Essay Example for Free

Evolution and religion Essay â€Å" Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind †, said Albert Einstein. This essay concentrates on evolution, religion, and creationism. In the first phase these are defined, and later their relationships and controversies are discussed. A conclusive statement is made a the end. Evolution The theory of evolution by natural selection was first put forth by Charles Darwin in his book, â€Å" on the origin of species†, in 1859. In 1930’s Darwinian natural selection was combined with Mendelian inheritance to form the modern evolutionary synthesis. With its enormous explanatory power, this theory provides a unifying answer to diversity of life on earth. Evolution is the change in a population’s inherited traits, from generation to generation. These traits are encoded as genes that are copied and passed on to offspring during reproduction. Mutations and other random changes in the genes can produce new or altered traits, resulting in difference between organisms. Evolution occurs when these different traits become more common or rare in a population. This happens through genetic drift and is based on the reproductive value of traits through natural selection. Under natural selection organisms with traits that help them to survive and reproduce tend to have more off springs. In doing so, they will pass more copies of inheritable beneficial traits on to the next generation. This leads to advantageous traits becoming more common in each generation, while disadvantageous traits become rarer. Over time, this process can result in varied adaptations to environmental conditions. As differences in populations accumulate, new species may evolve. All known species have descended from a single ancestral gene pool through this process of gradual divergence. According to theory of evolution, life on Earth started its journey over 3 billion years ago, when oxygenic photosynthesis emerged, which made development of aerobic cellular respiration possible around 2 billion years ago. In the last billion years, multi cellular plants and animals began to appear in oceans. The Cambrian explosion originated all major body plans of modern animals. About 450 million years ago ( mya) plants and fungi colonized the land, and were soon followed by anthropods and other animals. Amphibians first appeared around 300 mya, followed by reptiles and mammals around 200 mya, and birds around 100 mya. The human genus arose around 2 mya, while the earliest modern humans lived 200 thousand years ago. This theory states that all organisms on Earth have descended from a common ancestral gene pool. Evidence for this is inferred from traits shared between all living organisms. In Darwin’s days, this statement was based on visible observation of morphologic similarities. Today genetic science has proved this. For example, every living cell makes use of nucleic acids as its genetic material and uses the same 20 amino acids as the building blocks of proteins. The universality of these traits suggest common ancestry. The roots of evolution theory were laid by Charles Darwin in 1858. He could not propose any working mechanism for inheritance. This was provided by Mendel in 1865, who proved that distinct traits were inherited in a well defined and predictable manner.( Evolution ) Religion A religion is a set of beliefs and practices generally held by human community involving adherence to codified beliefs and rituals, and study of ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, mythology, personal faith and mystic experience. It is also described as a communal system for the coherence of belief focusing on a system of thought, unseen being, person, or object, that is considered to be supernatural, sacred, divine or of the highest truth. Moral codes, values, practices, institutions, traditions, rituals and scriptures are often associated with the core belief. Religion is also described as a â€Å" way of life †. There are number of models in which religions come into being and develop. Broadly these models fall into three categories: 1) Those which see religion as social construction 2) Those which see religion as progressing towards higher, objective truth 3) Those which see particular religion as absolute truth Creationism Creationism is the belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the Universe were entirely created by a supernatural deity, God. His existence is presupposed. The term creationism is often used to describe the belief that creation occurred literally as described in the book ‘ Genesis’, for Christians and the Jews, and in ‘Qur’an’, for Muslims. In Christian context, many creationists adopt a literal interpretation of the Biblical narratives and say that Bible provides a factual account, given from the perspective of only one who was there to witness it at that time: God. Almost all churches teach that God created the Cosmos. Biblical creationism places knowledge of God central in pursuit of knowledge of anything, as everything comes from God. It says nothing about the mechanisms by which anything was created. No systematic or scientific inquiry was made into the validity of the text. Christian creationism id categorized into many types. These are : Young Earth creationism. This is inclusive of modern geocentrism, Omphalos hypothesis, and creation science. Old Earth creationism. This includes Gap creationism, Day-age creationism, and progressive creationism. Theistic creationism Neo-creationism, which includes intelligent design. While Christian and Islamic creationism are almost similar. Hindu creationism believes that all creatures including humans undergo repeated cycles of creation and destruction. The Hindu view of the cosmos is cyclic. ( Creationism ) Evolution and religion Religion is based on beliefs and science is based on proofs and evidences. The theory of evolution is backed by scientific proofs and is considered science beyond any doubt. The relationship between religion and science takes many forms as both are extremely broad. They employ different methods and address different questions. The scientific method adopts an objective approach to measure, calculate, and describe the natural, physical, material universe. Religious methods are more subjective, relying on notions about authority, intuition, belief in supernatural, individual experience and ‘reasoned’ observations about life or the universe, or a combination of all these. Science attempts to answer the ‘how’ and ‘ what’ of observable and verifiable phenomena, religion attempts to answer the ‘why’ question of values, morals, and spirituality. Both employ different methods to find answers to different questions. ( Relationship). A noteworthy dissimilarity between the two is that religion has been existing since ages, whereas science is too young. The earliest civilizations of human species have been worshipping a supernatural force, which was later named as ‘God ’ by Christianity and ‘ Allah’ by Islam. The two most popular religions of today’s world may be a few thousand years old only, but the concept of religion is as old as man himself. In opposition, the modern day science is hardly a few hundred years old. All the modern scientific theories and discoveries on which the world is thriving today, occurred after the renaissance era in Europe. There are two distinct views regarding relationship between religion and science. One known as ‘non-overlapping magisteria’, described by Stephen Jay Gould states that both deal with fundamentally separate aspects of human experience and so when each stays within its own domain, they can co-exist peacefully. The other view known as conflict thesis, which is not to the liking of historians but retains popular appeal, holds that science and religion inevitably compete for authority over the nature of reality. Here, religion has been gradually losing a war with science as scientific expressions become more powerful, acceptable and widespread. ( Relationship ) Evolution theory gives answers to various how life evolved and developed on this earth. Its domain is limited to explaining and proving the existence of a common genetic pool from which different species came into existence. On the other hand the combined domain of all the religions of this world is almost infinite. Answers to questions which science cannot answer are given by religion. The contents of theory of evolution are limited whereas that of all the religions combined are limitless. For example, evolution theory cannot give a satisfactory answer to the origins of universe or the starting point of life. It just assumes that there was a pool of genes from which all forms of life have descended. Religion explains that there exists a supernatural force, which is not seen by anyone and the existence of which can never be proved in a scientific way, which created the ‘ Big Bang’. Science assumes that this was the beginning of universe. Religion does have answers to questions which cannot be answered by any scientific theory. The theory of evolution has no clue about soul, which is globally accepted as a part of our body, while all religions of this world have clear answers to any question regarding soul. All scientific knowledge, if summed up, is like a small drop in an ocean of summed up knowledge offered by all religions on this world. If religion is based on assumptions, even science has assumptions at its base. Evolution is limited to various aspects of life on this planet. For any religion this is a very small chapter in a huge book. Religion not only touches the various aspects of how life developed, but numerous other topics also. As mentioned above, religion is a ‘ way of life’ and hence its perceptions are much broader than the evolution theory, touching the living and the non-living also. Conflicts between religion and evolution arise when religious fundamentalists refuse to accept the scientifically proved facts. This is true for Christian fundamentalists, especially in the United States. They are simply not ready to deviate from the Biblical teachings that God is the creator of all things and He runs the show. They tend to miss one important point that Darwin has never touched the debate on ‘why’ evolution occurred. He has simply found answers to ‘how’ it happened. The authority of God, or for that matter teaching of any religion is never questioned by the theory of evolution. As a matter of fact, there are ample proofs available which convince us that the scientific community also accepts and favors the theory of a super natural power. Writes Lovgren Stefan in his article in National Geographic news, â€Å" Some of history’s greatest scientific minds, including Albert Einstein, were convinced that there is intelligent life behind the universe. Today many scientists say that there is no conflict between their faith and their work†. He further writes, â€Å" the scientific evidence for evolution is overwhelming. Yet, in 2001 Gallup poll, 45% of USA adults said that they believe evolution has played no role in shaping humans. Darwin never said anything about God. Many scientists and theologians maintain that it would be perfectly logical to think that a divine being used evaluation as a method to create the world†. The article further argues , â€Å" there is no way to explain religious faith scientifically. It is hard to envision a test that can tell the difference between the universe created by God, and the one that appeared without God. But why did the universe exist at all ? This is a question which religion is particularly good at answering†. The same article has a report by Ted Sargent, a nano-technology expert at the University of Toronto. â€Å" Even as science progresses in its reductionist fashion moving towards deeper, simpler and more elegant understanding of particles and forces, there will still remain a ‘ why’, at the end. Why are the rules the way they are ? This is where people will find God †. Stefan comments, â€Å" To many scientists, this discoveries may not be that different from religious revelations. Scientific advancements may even draw scientists closer to religion†. ( Lovgren Stefan ) Conversely, religious fundamentalists should also accept the fats which are proven beyond any doubt. This establishes a harmony between religion and evolution. Evolution and creationism The conflict between the believers in evolution theory and creationism is more fierce than that of evolution and religion. This is especially true in the USA where it has become a political controversy. It is a dispute about the origins of Earth, humanity, life, and the universe. The level of support for the evolution theory is overwhelming in the scientific community and the academia, while support for creation based alternatives where evolution does not take place is minimal among secular scientists. Creationists argue that scientific theories are incomplete, incorrect, and inherently flawed due to the infinite regression nature of questions of origins. They argue that if science can provide answers to ‘ what caused the Big Bang ?’ or ‘ what was the nature of first life form ?’ it is likely that answers themselves will be subject to similar kinds of regressive inquiry. They firmly believe that science cannot provide answers to such questions and that their religious discourse is much more complete and more reliable than the naturalistic description provided by science. While creationists point at the limitations of scientific investigations, they intend to point towards the existence of creator God. Skeptics criticize this as ‘God of the gaps argument’. They say that religious argumentation is reduced to a place holder for gaps in human knowledge. One more argument presented is that evolution is a theory and not a fact. This is a result of misconception about the technical meaning of ‘theory’. In common usage, ‘theory’ means hypothesis and unproven assumptions. In science it means ‘ a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena†. Exploring this issue, Stephen Jay Gould wrote, â€Å" Evolution is a theory. It is also a fact, and facts and theories are different things, not rungs in a hierarchy of increasing uncertainty. Facts are the world’s data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. Facts do not go away when scientists debate rival theories to explain them. Einstein’s theory of gravitation replaced that of Newton’s but apples did not suspend themselves from mid –air. And humans evolved from ape-like ancestors whether they did so by Darwin’s proposed mechanism or by some other yet to be disclosed â€Å". Karl Propper gave a new dimension to the debate, by evolving the concept of ‘falsifiability’. He claimed that testable theories are scientific but those that are untestable are not. He declares, â€Å" I have come to a conclusion that Darwinism is not testable scientific theory but a metaphysical research program, a plausible framework for testable scientific theories†. Debate among some scientists and philosophers of science on the applicability of falsifiabilty have been offered by some scientists: Richard Dawkins and J.B.S. Haldane both pointed out that if fossil rabbits were found in the Precarribean era, a time before most similarly complex life forms had evolved â€Å" that would completely blow evolution out of water†. Creationists have criticized the scientific evidence used to support evolution as being based on faulty assumptions and unjustified jumping to conclusions. These include: the fossil fuel record which has significant gaps that cast doubt on evolution the emergence of new species which has not been observed directly radiometric dating which is inaccurate due to an inappropriate reliance on assumption of uniformitarianism While creationists claim that the problems they point out represent significant ‘holes’ in evolutionary theory. Supporters of evolutionary theory respond by arguing that these gaps of knowledge do not cast doubt on the framework the theory of evolution provides, asserting that they indicate either areas where research needs to be directed or there is misunderstanding on the part of creationists. As a matter of fact scientists and subject experts of evolution, do not spend much time on refuting the charges of creationists. Many do not respond at all. They do not think it is worth it. After all, when they reply, creationists get the publicity. ( creation-evolution controversy ) Pope Benedict XVI , in a book titled â€Å" creation and evolution†, published on 11 April 2007, states that â€Å" The question is not to either make a decision for a creationism that fundamentally excludes science, or for an evolutionary theory that covers over its own gaps and does not want to see the questions that reach beyond the methodological possibilities of natural science. I find it important to underline that theory of evolution implies questions that must be to philosophy and which themselves lead beyond the realms of science. It is also true that the theory of evolution is not a complete, scientifically proven theory†. He believes that experiment in a controlled environment h as limitations, as, â€Å" We cannot have 10,000 generations into the laboratory†. He also does not endorse creationism or intelligent design. He defends ‘ theistic evolution’, a reconciliation between science and religion, already held by Catholics. He writes on evolution, as a ‘ process itself is rational despite the mistakes and confusion as it goes through a narrow corridor, choosing a few mutations and using low probability. This inevitably leads to a question that goes beyond science- where did this rationality come from ? † to which he answers that it comes from the ‘creative reason’ of God. ( creationism – evolution controversy) Third alternative The conflict and controversy over evolution and creationism can be resolved if a third alternative is adopted. If biology had followed Pasteur’s paradigm, instead of Darwin’s, and if the theory of cosmic ancestry was prevailing today, then the mechanical theory of nature would account for the evolutionary progress and the origin of life on Earth. There would be no need for supernatural intervention. Cosmic ancestry is fundamentally different from both Darwinism and prevailing western religions. Both hold that life arises and evolves from simpler beginnings. Darwinism explains this with material causes, western religions with supernatural causes. In Cosmic Ancestry life neither arises nor evolves to more highly organized forms from simpler beginnings. With material causes life can descend from prior life at least as highly evolved as itself. Thus in Cosmic Ancestry, life only descends. The fact is that neither science nor religion seem interested in adopting Cosmic Ancestry as an alternative. ( Evolution versus creationism) Conclusion The theory of evolution proves how life originated and developed on this Earth. It has a scientific base in all its claims. It is a result of careful analysis of data. All over the world it has been accepted as a ‘truly scientific explanation’ on evolution of life. It does not have to do anything with any supernatural power. Religious fundamentalists, specially Christian, have evolved a movement called ‘creationism’, which asserts that the theory of evolution tends to wipe off the Biblical teachings and the faith they have in God. Till today, the highest priest of Christianity, the Pope, is busy trying to find ‘holes’ in the theory of evolution, when the whole world has accepted this theory before 150 years. The paradox is that evolution has never touched upon the aspects of God. In fact, scientists also believe in God and accept His existence. There is no legitimate base for ‘creationism’, and it reflects the sense of adamancy among the Christian fundamentalists. Theory of Cosmic Ancestry can be adopted as an option. Works- cited page 1. Evolution, wikipedia the free encyclopedia, 14 April 07, Retrieved on 15 April 07 from: 2. Creationism, wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 14 April 07, Retrieved on 15 April 07 from : 3. Relationship, Relationship between Religion and science, wikipedia the free encyclopedia, 12 April 07, Retrieved on 15 April 07 from: 4. Lovgren Stefan, Evolution and religion can co-exist, scientists say, National Geographic News, 18 October 2004, Retrieved on 15 April 07, from: 5. Creation-evolution controversy, wikipedia the free encyclopedia, 13 April 07, Retrieved on 15 April 07 from: 6. Evolution versus creationism, Retrieved on 16 April 07 from: m

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Physics Essay -- Steer Wrestling Science Papers

Physics You can find a law of physics in everything that you do. It does not matter if you are doing complex scientific experiments, working as a laborer in a field, or enjoying your favorite pastime, you are involved in putting the laws of physics to work. I will try to demonstrate this as I discuss the laws of physics that are involved in my favorite pastime, which is steer wrestling. The art of steer wrestling is complex and simple all at the same time. To start, let’s define what exactly steer wrestling is. Steer wrestling is a rodeo event that is also known as bull dogging. This is the event where there are two mounted cowboys that run along the side of a steer. When they get close to the steer the cowboy on the left hand side climbs off onto the back of the steer, grabbing the steer by the horns. Keep in mind if you will that both the cowboys on the horses and the steer are running at full speeds while this dismounting is taking place. Once the cowboy has the steer by the horns, the cowboy must change the steer’s direction and wrestle him to the ground. Since this is a rodeo event and a competition, you have to do all of the above as fast as you can. Steer wrestling is a timed event that is started when the steer leaves the chute, and ends when the steer is lying on its side with all four feet facing the same direction. Now that we know what steer wrestling is, let’s tie it in with a couple of things that deal with physics. As I already mentioned above, the first step is crawling off of a horse that is running full speed onto the back of a cow that is traveling at its full speed as well. Any time you have masses traveling at speeds you have momentum. We will first discuss momentum and the changes in momentum th... ...ipetal force, and torque are just a couple of the many aspects of physics involved in this process. I believe that the use and understanding of physics can help in understanding why things work better then others, and how to be a more successful steer wrestler. A specific example is the fact that I now am more aware of where I locate my hands on a steer’s horn, and also I am more conscience is trying to be the center of mass. By being able to do this, I have taken my performance to a higher level and can back good ideas with proof from science. Bibliography 1.Kirkpatrick, Larry D. Wheeler, Gerald F. Physics: A World View. (Fourth Edition). Hartcourt, Inc. 2001. 2.Spence, Mike. â€Å"A Cowboy For All Eras† ProRodeo Sports News. 30 April, 2003. 3.Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo. Steer Wrestling. 20 August, 2002.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz

John McPherson, which resulted in his wife getting out of bed and unfortunately causing her death. The next day at school, Mr. John McPherson shows up under the influence of alcohol, completely drunk and starts to insult the Jews and making extremely racist comments. This is Just a small example of Anti-Semitism during Duddys childhood. Another idea I found important in the text was selfishness as well as ambition and greed. Even though Duddy was making more money than a 17 year old should, he always wanted more.Nothing was more important to him than making money. When he heard that the last piece of land in Lac St. Pierre was up for sale, he took all the money he had, but still came up short. Duddy decides to forge a cheque from Virgil's chequebook. Virgil was a man who Duddy met in New York and helped him make money illegally by smuggling pinball machines. After Virgil and Yvette found out about what Duddy had done to them, they never spoke to him again. Discuss the author's style. Describe 2 iterary elements the author uses successfully and give a clear example of each. The author used a few techniques to deepen our understanding of the story. One of the techniques was using a teenager as the main character of the novel. I think this showed us the ambition of the young man because all teenagers want to make money and dream about becoming rich one day, but it's not all 17 year olds that want it as bad as Duddy Kravitz. Another technique used by the author was making the main character a Jew.As we all know, Jews have a reputation for wanting money so ad and I think that the fact that Duddy is Jewish makes the whole story about a young man chasing money more meaningful. Did you enjoy the book? Why or why not? I enjoyed this novel a lot and recommend it to everyone living in Montreal and who likes a story that may have many things in common with their own personal lives. I think it is an important part of Montreal history in our generation. I also think it's good for Jewish people to read this novel because we also see how racism has stronger racism against Jews was in the 1940s

Sunday, November 10, 2019

John Proctor An Honorable Man

John is a man of strong moral beliefs, who is concerned only for the safety of his family and personal welfare. He does not care about the beliefs of any of the other people in the town and what his supervisor which is the Reverend, thinks either. After trying to avoid involvement in the witch trials he is later prosecuted for witchery and sentenced to hang. John tries to avoid any involvement in the Salem Witch trials. His reason for doing so is to protect his image because he is afraid he will be committed of adultery with Abigail Williams.Following these events he tries to save everyone’s lives by admitting to this adultery and ends up losing the trial along with his life. He did have a chance to live but instead of signing his name to keep his life, he wanted to die honorably with his friends not without a name, a soul, and with guilt. â€Å"John Proctors decision to die is reasonable and believable†. Reverend Parris, the Salem minister and Proctors immediate superv isor, says â€Å" there is either obedience or the church will burn like hell is burning.†John, on the other hand, â€Å"has come to regard his self as a king of fraud,† as long as he remains obedient to authority which he can’t respect. In other words he believes that he can’t be his true self when he has to follow the rules of lie and not by his morals. He thinks there is too much mention of hell in God’s church and about the dangers to the community to implicit in all this talk of witch craft. He is caught in a web of dilemmas involving not only his fate but his wife, his friends, and the entire Salem community.â€Å"John is the individual who must decide weather or not he will assert himself against an overbearing authoritarian government. † â€Å"His loyalty to his own but his rebellion against the church really involves none but is own welfare, and that in no profound way. Although all this goes on in the end the community of Salem li es on his decision on weather to lie dishonorably or die honorably. John Proctor is looked upon as a respectable farmer, and as a individualist, he may be but he is still respected.John does not respect the church especially when a reverend so corrupt is the superior. John Proctor is setup as the individual who is revolting form the restrictions of too much authority. He does not like â€Å"the smell of this authority. † Many men were believed to be tempted by the Devil to do his bidding and they were thought of to be the enemy. â€Å"In Salem, the enemy is at least partially represented by Proctor, who is acting as an individual and is breaking away from the established authority. † He is a threat to the community, and will be considered as being working with the Devil.The one looked upon as a threat, ultimately, the central figure of drama, but still seen as a Christian is seen to be John Proctor. That is why he needs to show the people of Salem that he really does n ot have an alliance with the devil and that he will die not as the enemy but as a friend. He must show them he is and was committed to the society before it started to become corrupt. John showing he will not live with shame, he will live without it or die. He does not want to be remembered like that, he wants to be remembered and looked upon as â€Å"John Proctor.†John has two choices, to commit himself to one side or the other. The two choices were to either live with lies, guilt, no name, and no soul or die for his friends and in an honorable and justifiable way. As he his handed the blank paper and pen to sign away his life he looks at his friends faces and reads their expressions like a book and somehow he reads that why give yourself away to the devil as a lie when you can die for what you believe in and with the people you love. He has to choose, his choice was to die which was a choice to commit himself to his friends and die honorable, and as a honest man.He states t hat â€Å"I have three children,how may I teach them to walk like men in the world, and I sold my friends? † He says if he is dishonorable to his friends then this would be stuck on his back along with his family’s, so if he was to choose to lie his kids would not look up to their own father as a role model and he would not be remembered as a friend but as a foe. They would think of him as a liar and not faithful to his friends and family. So this is why he chooses to die so he leaves this world with him being remembered as honorable not dishonorable not only to his family but to his friends.â€Å"As a result of his involvement, John finds himself accused at being a witch. After being trialed and condemned to death, John refuses to confess and â€Å"give them the lie they want† because of his pride and stubbornness. † John even though he doesn’t want to die for such a pathetic reason, he is faced with the obstacle of being completely against the ot her condemned witches, and by his confession, becoming partly responsible for the deaths of his friends. His choice was to die which was a choice and attempt to commit himself to his friends and die an honorable and honest man which made his death true and justifiable. John Proctor an honorable man John is a man of strong moral beliefs, who is concerned only for the safety of his family and personal welfare. He does not care about the beliefs of any of the other people in the town and what his supervisor which is the Reverend, thinks either. After trying to avoid involvement in the witch trials he is later prosecuted for witchery and sentenced to hang. John tries to avoid any involvement in the Salem Witch trials. His reason for doing so is to protect his image because he is afraid he will be committed of adultery with Abigail Williams.Following these events he tries to save everyone’s lives by admitting to this adultery and ends up losing the trial along with his life. He did have a chance to live but instead of signing his name to keep his life, he wanted to die honorably with his friends not without a name, a soul, and with guilt. â€Å"John Proctors decision to die is reasonable and believable†. Reverend Parris, the Salem minister and Proctors immediate superv isor, says â€Å" there is either obedience or the church will burn like hell is burning.†John, on the other hand, â€Å"has come to regard his self as a king of fraud,† as long as he remains obedient to authority which he can’t respect. In other words he believes that he can’t be his true self when he has to follow the rules of lie and not by his morals. He thinks there is too much mention of hell in God’s church and about the dangers to the community to implicit in all this talk of witch craft. He is caught in a web of dilemmas involving not only his fate but his wife, his friends, and the entire Salem community.â€Å"John is the individual who must decide weather or not he will assert himself against an overbearing authoritarian government. † â€Å"His loyalty to his own but his rebellion against the church really involves none but is own welfare, and that in no profound way. Although all this goes on in the end the community of Salem li es on his decision on weather to lie dishonorably or die honorably. John Proctor is looked upon as a respectable farmer, and as a individualist, he may be but he is still respected.John does not respect the church especially when a reverend so corrupt is the superior. John Proctor is setup as the individual who is revolting form the restrictions of too much authority. He does not like â€Å"the smell of this authority. † Many men were believed to be tempted by the Devil to do his bidding and they were thought of to be the enemy. â€Å"In Salem, the enemy is at least partially represented by Proctor, who is acting as an individual and is breaking away from the established authority. † He is a threat to the community, and will be considered as being working with the Devil.The one looked upon as a threat, ultimately, the central figure of drama, but still seen as a Christian is seen to be John Proctor. That is why he needs to show the people of Salem that he really does n ot have an alliance with the devil and that he will die not as the enemy but as a friend. He must show them he is and was committed to the society before it started to become corrupt. John showing he will not live with shame, he will live without it or die. He does not want to be remembered like that, he wants to be remembered and looked upon as â€Å"John Proctor.†John has two choices, to commit himself to one side or the other. The two choices were to either live with lies, guilt, no name, and no soul or die for his friends and in an honorable and justifiable way. As he his handed the blank paper and pen to sign away his life he looks at his friends faces and reads their expressions like a book and somehow he reads that why give yourself away to the devil as a lie when you can die for what you believe in and with the people you love. He has to choose, his choice was to die which was a choice to commit himself to his friends and die honorable, and as a honest man.He states t hat â€Å"I have three children,how may I teach them to walk like men in the world, and I sold my friends? † He says if he is dishonorable to his friends then this would be stuck on his back along with his family’s, so if he was to choose to lie his kids would not look up to their own father as a role model and he would not be remembered as a friend but as a foe. They would think of him as a liar and not faithful to his friends and family. So this is why he chooses to die so he leaves this world with him being remembered as honorable not dishonorable not only to his family but to his friends.â€Å"As a result of his involvement, John finds himself accused at being a witch. After being trialed and condemned to death, John refuses to confess and â€Å"give them the lie they want† because of his pride and stubbornness. † John even though he doesn’t want to die for such a pathetic reason, he is faced with the obstacle of being completely against the ot her condemned witches, and by his confession, becoming partly responsible for the deaths of his friends. His choice was to die which was a choice and attempt to commit himself to his friends and die an honorable and honest man which made his death true and justifiable.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Civil Disobedience and the rule of law Essays

Civil Disobedience and the rule of law Essays Civil Disobedience and the rule of law Paper Civil Disobedience and the rule of law Paper the NPCSC ( TheStanding Committeeof the National People s Congress ) declared the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People s Congress on Issues Relating to the Selection of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by Universal Suffrage and on the Method for Forming the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the Year 2016 in 31.8.2014. Harmonizing to Occupy Central with Love and Peace ( 2015 ) , the members of OCLP ( Occupy Central with Love and Peace ) reject to subject the determination of NPCSC, and they believe that HKSAR authorities should present a receptive attitude towards civil nomination. Occupy Central began in 2013 for the desire of democracy, and evolved into Umbrella Revolution in 26.9.2014. First, I will exemplify the definition of civil noncompliance and regulation of jurisprudence. Second, I will exemplify the statement that support civil noncompliance is non compatible with the regulation of jurisprudence. Finally, I will explicate in what extent civil noncompliance is incompatible with the regulation of jurisprudence in Hong Kong. 2 ) Definition of civil noncompliance Harmonizing toRawls ( 1999 ) , in constitutional theory, civil disobediencecomposed in three parts. First, definition ofcivil noncompliance is different and separate from misdemeanors of jurisprudence, because civil noncompliance is purposes to raise public concern in some unfair issue, but misdemeanors of jurisprudence do non. Second, civil noncompliance will settle after the unfair issue is justified. Finally, civil noncompliance has a function in constitutional system and the civil disobedient demand to account for protest. Harmonizing toRawls ( 1999 ) , civil noncompliance has four characteristics, public, non-violent, painstaking andjustifypolitical rules. First, public refer to civil noncompliance is a public act, it engage openly with just announce to political authorization and is non covert or close. Second, non-violent refer to themanifestationofcivil noncompliance, it expresses noncompliance to jurisprudence with limitloyalty. The fidelity to lawset upan image that thecivil disobedienceispolitical painstaking and intends to raise the public’s sense of justness. Third, painstaking refer to political act that contra to jurisprudence with purpose of altering the recent jurisprudence or policies. Civil disobedient Acts of the Apostless in thismanifestationaimto addressthe sense of justness of society, but non for personal involvement. Finally, warrant political rules refer to civil noncompliance is non in sense that it address tomajoritypolitical power, besides is aim to steer and warrant political rules. 3 ) Definition of regulation of jurisprudence Rule of jurisprudence is viewed as positive thing and represent justness and good ( Lo A ; Chui, 2012 ) . However, Moller ( 2014 ) said: the construct of the regulation of jurisprudence is extremely complex and basically contested. Finally, Tamanaha carried out a method to separate different definitions of regulation of jurisprudence into two bulk approaches- formalist and substantive. In formalist attacks, one of the descriptions of regulation of jurisprudence is A.V. Dicey version. Dicey ( 1959 ) mentioned three rules of regulation of jurisprudence: No adult male is punishable or can be legitimately made to endure in organic structure or in goods except for a distinguishable breach of jurisprudence established in the ordinary legal mode before the ordinary tribunals of the land. No adult male is above the jurisprudence ; every adult male and adult female, whatever may be his or her rank or place from the premier curate right down to the revenue enhancement aggregator, is capable to the ordinary jurisprudence of the kingdom and conformable to the legal power of the ordinary tribunals. Each man’s single rights are best protected under Common Law instead than a formal Bill of Rights. For substantial attacks, substantial theories mentioned that the regulation of jurisprudence must include formalist attacks component. Harmonizing to Moller ( 2014 ) , three more elements added in substantial attacks, they are single human rights ( belongings, contract, privateness, liberty ) , rights of self-respect or justness ( helps single develops ability to go self-determining ) and societal public assistance ( subtantive equality ) . Civil noncompliance is non compatible with regulation of law- statement one Civil noncompliance is non compatible with regulation of jurisprudence because the impression of regulation of jurisprudence is concern about the beginning of jurisprudence, balance of political power and single rights. Harmonizing to Moller ( 2014 ) , there are four dimensions of regulation of jurisprudence, form ( formal legality ) , countenances and control ( cheque and balance between authorities and citizens ) , beginning of jurisprudence and people concent ( Sovereignty of the people ) and substance content ( Indiviaual rights ) . Harmonizing to Brownlee ( 2013 ) , the purposes of civil disobedient is to reprobate peculiar unfair issue and seek to raise the awarness of public in sense of justness. That imply civil noncompliance merely occur when unfair issue occur in society, and unfair issue ever include the resistance between authorities and citizens, this thought is alreadly include in one of dimension of regulation of law- countenances and control, when unfair issue policy occur, people can keep the authorities. And the unjust issue how to specify? Harmonizing to Brownlee ( 2013 ) , civil disobedient addressesthemselves to bulk sentiment and rule of justness. This is besides include in one of dimension of regulation of law- beginning of jurisprudence and people concent. Therefore, civil noncompliance is non compatible with regulation of jurisprudence. Civil noncompliance is non compatible with regulation of law- statement two Others ground that civil noncompliance is non compatible with regulation of jurisprudence is regulation of jurisprudence is non wholly equal to obey the jurisprudence. The construct of regulation of jurisprudence is closely linked to societal contract theory, harmonizing to McPherson ( 1980 ) , in societal contract theory, if authorities against citizen’s involvement, citizens can subvert and put in a new authorities. It shows that regulation of jurisprudence is non wholly equal to obey the jurisprudence. When there is unfair issue and policy that against people involvement, people can contend back, civil noncompliance is one of the methods to against these unfair issue and policy. Harmonizing to United Nation ( n.d. ) , the construct of regulation of jurisprudence is extremely associated with the impression of justness. It imply that when the jurisprudence can non demo the impression of justness and when the jurisprudence is unfair in bulk sentiment, civil noncompliance is allowed to warrant the unfair circumstance and it is non compatible with regulation of jurisprudence. Besides, one of the characteristics of civil noncompliance is justification of political rules and this rules refer to civil noncompliance is non in sense that it address tomajoritypolitical power, besides is aim to steer and warrant political rules. Therefore, civil noncompliance is non compatible with regulation of jurisprudence. In the undermentioned paragraph, I will discourse approximately in what extent civil noncompliance is compatible with regulation of jurisprudence in Hong Kong. 4 ) In what extent civil noncompliance is compatible with regulation of jurisprudence in Hong Kong. As I mentioned before, civil noncompliance contain four characteristics, and it is non compatible with regulation of jurisprudence. But in Hong Kong, civil noncompliance is compatible with regulation of jurisprudence in Hong Kong in some state of affairss. The first state of affairs is the authorities define regulation of jurisprudence equal to obey the jurisprudence, regulation by jurisprudence or regulation by work forces, falsify the impression of regulation of jurisprudence. These are different construct of jurisprudence, if the functionary in Hong Kong use the distort version to judge the civil noncompliance, than civil noncompliance is compatible with the official rule of law . If the Hong Kong authorities defines obey the jurisprudence, regulation by jurisprudence or regulation by work forces as regulation of jurisprudence, the distort version of regulation of jurisprudence will non include the impression of justness, therefore the action to warrant political principles- civil noncompliance will specify as compatible with the official rule of law . Second state of affairs that civil noncompliance is compatible with regulation of jurisprudence in Hong Kong is civil noncompliance does non follow the four rules. Such as violent action of civil disobedient, civil noncompliance for personal involvement, etc. These misdemeanor of the rule will do civil noncompliance same as interrupting the jurisprudence. When civil noncompliance can non stand for the impression justness, it is merely interrupting the jurisprudence. Decision In decision, civil noncompliance that follow four rules, public, non-violent, painstaking andjustifypolitical rules is non compatible with regulation of jurisprudence in normal state of affairs. Because regulation of jurisprudence is non merely accent obey the jurisprudence, it besides include the impression of justness. These four rules of civil noncompliance guarantee that the action is associated with justness. However, in some state of affairss civil noncompliance is compatible with regulation of jurisprudence. That is when regulation of jurisprudence is non the original regulation of jurisprudence, and civil noncompliance is non the original civil noncompliance. When the authorities functionary specify the regulation of jurisprudence as obey the jurisprudence, regulation by jurisprudence or regulation by work forces, so regulation of jurisprudence will loss the impression of justness, than the action represent justice- civil noncompliance will be defined as compatible with regulation of jurisprudence. When the civil noncompliance do non follow the four rules, the action will besides loss the impression of justness, therefore it is non civil noncompliance any more. Mention: Brownlee, K. ( 2013, December 20 ) .Civil Disobedience.Retrieved March 26, 2015, from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: hypertext transfer protocol: // # FeaCivDis Dicey, A. V. ( 1959 ) .Introduction to the survey of the jurisprudence of the fundamental law ( tenth erectile dysfunction. ) .Basingstoke: Macmillan. Lo, S. H. C. , A ; Chui, H. H. ( 2012 ) .The Hong Kong legal system.Singapore: McGrawHill. McPherson, C. ( 1980 ) .John Locke Second Treatise of Government.Indianapolis and Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company. Moller, J. ( 2014 ) .THE RULE OF Law: Definitions, Measures, Patterns and Causes.Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Occupy Central with Love and Peace ( 2015 ) .10 Basic Facts about OCLP. Retrieved March 15, 2015, from Occupy Central with Love and Peace Official Page: hypertext transfer protocol: // route=occupy/eng_detail A ; eng_id=12 Rawls, J. ( 1999 ) .A Theory of Justice, Revised Edition.Cambridge: Harvard University Press. The Hong Kong Special Adminstrative Government ( 2015, January 7 ) .Decision and accounts of the NPCSC. Retrieved March 15, 2015, from Method of Choosing the Chief Executive by Universal Suffrage: hypertext transfer protocol: // Tamanaha, B. ( 2004 ) .On the Rule of Law: History, Politics, Theory.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. United Nation ( n.d. ) .United Nations Rule of Law.Retrieved March 27, 2015, from United State: hypertext transfer protocol: // article_id=3 1

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Quiz About Quotation Marks

A Quiz About Quotation Marks A Quiz About Quotation Marks A Quiz About Quotation Marks By Mark Nichol Use of quotation marks for dialogue is fairly straightforward; several posts on this website that deal with the topic can by found by searching for â€Å"quotation marks.† This quiz deals with other uses of these emphasis markers. Read the following sample sentences, determine the problem with the use of quotation marks, and devise a solution. (Note that I use single quotation marks rather than double quotation marks because of my custom of framing the entire sample sentence in a pair of the latter.) Then, take a look at my revisions and explanations at the bottom of the page and see how they compare with your changes: 1. â€Å"The IQ evaluation provides a ‘snapshot’ of a child’s cognitive skills at a particular point in time.† 2. â€Å"Perry is connecting with a growing number of Republicans because of his uncompromising rhetoric and his back-slapping, guy-who-married ‘the first girl I dated’ persona.† 3. â€Å"Consider the glass ‘half full and not half empty.’† 4. â€Å"The old fixer-upper looks like it was designed by â€Å"The Amityville Horror† house architect.† (This example is from a newspaper; many such publications use quotation marks, rather than italics, to denote titles of films, books, and other self-contained compositions.) 5. â€Å"They reviewed cross-border reproductive care, or â€Å"medical tourism,† as an increasing phenomenon in respect to egg donation.† 6. â€Å"Our waterworks have reached the classic ‘run to failure’ moment.† 7. â€Å"He used scientific reasoning to show that singing and dancing could cure melancholy by stirring up the ‘secretions’ in the human ‘machine.’† Answers and Explanations 1. The informal usage of a word need not be excused with what are sometimes called apologetic quotation marks (what I refer to frequently in these posts by a more common label: scare quotes): â€Å"The IQ evaluation provides a snapshot of a child’s cognitive skills at a particular point in time.† 2. This sentence attempts to allude to erstwhile presidential candidate Rick Perry’s pride that he married the first girl he dated, but the writer, after a promising start in which they began stringing the relevant words together in an extended hyphenated phrasal adjective, fumbles by attempting to employ a direct quote. The best solution would be to abandon the attempt at direct quotation and fold a paraphrase into the adjective string: â€Å"Perry is connecting with a growing number of Republicans because of his uncompromising rhetoric and his back-slapping, guy-who-married-the-first-girl-he-dated persona.† 3. This reference to the idiomatic metaphors for optimism and pessimism implies that there is an idiom consisting of the phrase â€Å"half full and not half empty.† However, only the distinct antonyms â€Å"half full† and â€Å"half empty† are valid, and there is no reason to enclose them in quotes (also, a comma seems more effective than the conjunction and): â€Å"Consider the glass half full, not half empty.† 4. Here, the writer is attempting to employ the first word of the movie title as a direct article for the framing sentence, but it cannot serve double duty. In this case, it is acceptable to transfer the to duty with the sentence and leave the title temporarily bereft of the direct article that begins it (â€Å"The old fixer-upper looks like it was designed by the ‘Amityville Horror’ house architect†). However, the sentence would read more smoothly if it were relaxed, including the insertion of a couple of additional direct articles and the retention of the full movie title: â€Å"The old fixer-upper looks like it was designed by the architect who designed the house in ‘The Amityville Horror.’† 5. This sentence is doubly irritating. As in the first example above, the scare quotes are extraneous. In addition, it seems illogical to me to introduce the gloss (brief definition) of the phrase â€Å"medical tourism† before it; why, then, bother introducing the idiom at all? Use a term-then-gloss structure: â€Å"They reviewed medical tourism, or cross-border reproductive care, as an increasing phenomenon in respect to egg donation.† (A compromise is to explicitly identify the idiom as such following the literal description for the topic in question: â€Å"They reviewed cross-border reproductive care, known popularly as medical tourism, as an increasing phenomenon in respect to egg donation.†) 6. The phrase â€Å"run to failure† may be a partial quotation from someone, but unless it is a clever coinage heretofore unfamiliar to readers (and even then, use the explanatory solution in the fifth example, above), the phrase should simply be strung together as a phrasal adjective: â€Å"Our waterworks have reached the classic run-to-failure moment.† 7. Trick question in the original context, as least, it’s clear that â€Å"secretions† is a direct quote. Sometimes, it’s best to indicate that an unusual word was actually written or spoken by the source, and sometimes, scare quotes are helpful (as in the case of those framing machine, which may well have also been a direct quote). In this case, I’d leave the sentence as is. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Coordinating vs. Subordinating Conjunctions25 Russian Words Used in English (and 25 More That Should Be)Using "May" in a Question

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Virtualization and Computers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Virtualization and Computers - Essay Example The research process that shall be handled for this study is based on the different procedures used by the target audience to operate through the use of the virtualized e-systems that has now become a huge part of their lives. Chandra, Ramesh (2004). Analysis of Media and Communication Trends. Gyan Books. This book gives an understanding as to how modern communication is highly affected by the modern procedures of media applications in the world of computing making the possibility of virtual communication applicable to the modern systems of human connection through the use of the Internet. Donald, Stephanie H. & Balnaves, Mark & Donald, James (2001). The Penguin Atlas of Media and Information: Key Issues and Global Trends (Penguin Reference). Penguin Publishing Company. Discussing the different effects of the trend of virtualization in the modern generation is the main focus of this reading. Understandably, the author wants to make the readers understand how the situation of global virtualization through the use of the Internet affects them personally. McChesney, Robert W.& Newman, Rusell & Scott, Ben (2005). The Future of Media: Resistance and Reform in the 21st Century. Seven Stories Press. As the procedures of computer usage improve annually, this book introduces the facts and the strategies of improvement that technology takes through time to address the needs of the advancing demands of the human society. Richardson, Will (2006). Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. Corwin Press. This reading aims to express explanations with regards the most common systems of communication that makes virtualization through the Internet possible at present. It could be noted that through this reading, a careful understanding of the matter could be given fine focus on the part of the readers. Sahver, Mary Alice (2000). Trends in Media Management in the 21st Century: A Special Issue of the Journal of Media Economics (Journal of Media Economics). LEA, Inc. The media trends are noted by the author of this reading as a major understanding that is needed to be given attention by the present generation as they accept the virtualization of the modern systems of things TASK 5: Primary Research Exhibit Through the utilization of research procedures and direct observation, the needed information for this study is gathered. It could be observed that through this process, the researcher believes that the need of knowledge source is already suffice to answer the problem raised through this particular study. TASK 6: Thesis Statement The development of technology is inevitable, with the existence of internet, details on how has this technology and its virtualization actually affects the modern system of things is an essential factor to consider. TASK 7: Research Paper Organization (OUTLINE) 1. Introduction 2. The impact of PODCASTING in Interpersonal Communication a. The roots and Effectiveness of Podcasting b. Podcasting and how it affects the Education Process 3. Blogging and E-Mails a. Blogging Benefits 4. Media Procedures and Mediums in Human Communication 5. Conclusion TASK 8: Research Paper (SEARCH BELOW) HOW VIRTUALIZATION CHANGES THE COMPUTER WORLD: A Focus on the Discussion of the Facts Behind the Application of the Linux Virtual Server Introduction Computers and the benefits

Friday, November 1, 2019

Wall-MArt Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wall-MArt - Assignment Example The divisional structure works for Wal-Mart in attaining the objectives of each division. Annual shareholders meeting assists in the governing process of Wal-Mart in several aspects, with the assistance of a president or chief executive officer. The Wal-Mart Corporation has forty-one regions, thirty-five Wal-Mart regions and six Sam’s club regions (Maestri, 2010). Regional vice presidents head the regions thus supervise the operation of stores in the region. Each region has stores in each district chaired or headed by district managers for Wal-Mart stores and directors of operations for Sam’s clubs. District managers collaborate with regional personnel managers who are responsible for hiring workers and settling their issues. Each Wal-Mart has a person responsible for the overall store activities (store manager) and one in-charge of the overall activities (general manager). Below the store manager, there are co-managers; their deputies depending on the size of the store (Maestri, 2010). Down the ladder, there are hourly department managers who supervise all the junior workers in the stores. However, there are certain elements in the company that affect this structure. The company has a transparency policy in its operation, based on documents filed by the US Security Exchange Committee. This policy applies in all the Wal-Mart stores situated outside the territories of the US. The nomination of the Wal-Mart’s directors is based on shareholders votes. Wal-Mart has a significant number of stakeholders thus should engage all of them in its operations. However, this is not the case, as there is no evidence that shows the engagement of this audience in the executive duties. In addition, the Wal-Mart structure does not encourage training its staff in a manner that engages the stakeholders. Wal-Mart lacks a policy to appraise its ecological effects. However, it has a social assessment plan that evaluates its significance to the society through ethical